
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Free Method Thousands of Facebook likes for your website

Hey Guys,
Today i'm gonna show you a method I've been using for a long time now , with great results!
I'm sure that i don't have to explain how important it is to have Facebook likes for a website as many as possible , so i'll just skip that ;)

Facebook accounts - the more the better
Like4like accounts - the more the better
A brain (so u could follow) - 1 is enough ;)

Ok , so let's combine the ingredients into something tasty!

Basicaly , we don't want to send the likes directly to our website , there's a good reason for that.
Let's say that 50k users liked your website directly , that's cool ain't that so?
They can like your page ONE time only , unless they dislike and like again , and that wont change the like count.
What if you could get them to like over and over again , but this time not directly , you send them to like your post on Facebook which includes your website address.

Here's a fact that many people don't know:
When you post/share your website on Facebook it will add +1 to the overall like count , and all the likes that your post gets are added to the like count also!
Got the point?!

Let's do some math:
You post your website address to 50 different Facebook accounts , then you send let's say 100 likes to each and one of them
50x100 = 5,000 likes.
And let's say you don't want to use social exchange sites ,you want to like all the posts using your different accounts , i mean , you take all the permalinks and put them into a text file , then you like all of them by using your accounts , you can do so in 2 ways : 1.manually(yuck) 2.iMacros script or other automation program.(yay!)
50x50 = 2,500 likes.

Now what if you post 50 times on each account?
And what if you post it on your friends wall too?
Can you see the possibilities here?!

Personally , i use both tactics for max results , and when i say max i mean at least 30k likes a week for 1 website.

If you don't own Facebook accounts don't worry , you can still post on your wall and on your friends wall, make sure that the posts are public.
Remember to make the posts interesting and different from each other , you don't want you website to get black listed.

That's it for now , i hope this information was useful for some of you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gold MEDIA v1.4 - CodeCanyon

Gold MEDIA v1.4 - CodeCanyon 

100% Responsive Design
Video Upload from 7 popular website: Facebook, Youtube, Vine, Instagram, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion
User Accounts & Points
User Voting & Levels
Tags, Category and Sub-Category system
User Wall
Watermark on images
Guest Submission
Easy to Change Language
Moderation for Guest Submission
Simply Admin-Panel
Full Social Features
Full SEO Features

Account Creator Extreme 4.0 (20+ Supported Websites) + Now With Bot Creator

Account Creator Extreme 4.0 (20+ Supported Websites) + Now With Bot Creator

Hey guys been working on this big update for awhile glad I can finally share it with you all, so in this version I have added the ability to create your own bot that will automate a webpage and fill in the details. It still needs alittle bit of work but works none the less. Would appreciate it if you guys could test it out and give me some feedback. I have not made a tut for it because im so tired, but those of you who know how to find an element ID in the source of a page should understand this it's pretty simple. Also the manual submitter has received an upgrade and if you haven't checked out the autofill feature yet I recommend you give that a try as it works on unsupported websites, new setting files have been added to make sure you move them into your current version folder. Would appreciate if someone could make a tut for me ENJOY!

What's New-
Major Version Change
Bot Creator (make your own bots ftw)
Icons Added To Manual Submitter
History Copy To Clipboard (requested)
New Autofill Menu Features

Automatically Creates Accounts On 20+ Websites Including Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, And Many More (Except Captcha)
Bot Maker (create your own bots and automate webpages)
Smart Autofill (submit even on unsupported sites)
Manual Submitter (submit to custom email sites with the autofill menu "right click")
Generates Full Profile With One Click
5 Built In Disposable Email Services (One Click)
Real Names and Usernames (Editable)
Proxy Support
Advanced Profile System
Advanced Settings
Customizable Theme
Handy Rightclick Autofill Menu
Over 200,000 Built In Names

Q: What does this program do?
A: This program creates accounts on multiple websites and saves the details for you
Q: Does this program solve captcha and phone verification?
A: No this program was coded in visual basic with basic coding skills I don't have the understanding.
Q: Does this program support proxies?
A: Yes i have tested public proxies with this program and aslong as they are fast they work fine
Q: When will this program be multithreaded and solve captchas
A: I don't know probably never, this program is coded by me and me only. I have basic knowledge of visual basic coding I don't sell this application so it will remain
pretty basic deal with it :-)
Q: How can i help this application improve
A: Please provide detailed feedback of any problems or feature requests you have or if you would like I accept donations witch will allow me to spend more time coding.
Q: Do you add websites upon request?
A: Sure if i check out the website and im able to automate the form i will add it, simple.
Q: This program does not work?
A: I have not been coding this program for very long I have only tested it myself on UK version of websites if it does not work and your from another country im sorry.
Q: The bot creator does not work?
A: The bot creator does not work on all websites it is only able to identify elements by ID or Name and will not work on flash websites.
Q: Why is this free, will you ever sell it?
A: This program is free because free stuff is awesome I doubt I will ever sell this application as I like to share it with everyone but I can't say never.

Download Account Creator Extreme 4.0 (20+ Supported Websites) + Now With Bot Creator

[Method] make easy money on Tumblr (perfect for newbies)

Here is an easy method to make some good money on Tumblr, it's easy to do and perfect if you are new to IM - all you need to do is act and work a couple minutes hours, so first things things first TAKE ACTION!

Step 1

Select a niche - I recommend choosing adult niche something like sexy girls/big boobs etc. be creative, then head over to Tumblr.com and create a account, pic a good blog name which is related to your nice like "sexy-selfshots" etc.

Now verify your email address in order to change the template of your blog at the settings page of Tumblr, try to pick a unique good looking theme and don't forget to to mark your blog as "not safe for work (nsfw)" or your account maybe gets banned. Don't forget to upload a avatar image which draws some attention like a nice ass or something like that

Step 2

Head over to Google Image search and search for good quality images related to your niche and save at least 300 jpg images in a folder - yes this takes some time but no work no success and come on how hard is it to download some images

Step 3

Upload mass images using http://picloadr.com/  add related tags to your nice, good tags that always work are

Code:nsfw porn teen sexy hot

and upload 300 images to your Tumblr posting queue - next after the bot is finished go to your queue on Tumblr and set the posting limit to something between 30-50 - now your Tumblr blog is running on autopilot at least for 6 days.


Step 4

For monetization visit Plugrush - they offer very good blending gallery ads and a traffic exchange program (which brings good amounts of traffic, only con of Plugrush for payout you need to upload a image of a valid image ID or driver licence) and sign up for an account and generate some ad code and put them on your Tumblr blog, to insert your adds visit settings and customize your theme and "edit html".

Important: Don't use the popunders and mobile redirect scripts offered by Plugrush or Juicyads - they are against the Tumblr TOS and might get your account banned - on some blogs I still use the popunders for extra cash and my accounts never got banned - but at your own risk! But stay away from the mobile redirect.

Here is the way to turn off mobile redirect with Plugrush when you setup an ad (called Plug):

A other good place to monetize your Tumblr blog is:

juicyads  - they offer some good ads and good cpc - best thing they hold the earnings only seven days and offer payout via Paypal.

Step 5

Try to like and follow people related to your nice in order to gain followers much fast (more followers = more traffic), if you made your first cash (juicyads holds payments only for seven days and payout via paypal) you can buy the Tumblr Autoblog (this bot is not from me - I am not related in any kind to this bot) since the bot costs only 12 bucks and does a wonderful job in auto like and follow to gain more followers on autopilot (don't overdo the likes and follows a day or you risk your account)

Step 6

To gain more traffic to your Tumblr blogs try to "pin" your images to adult pinboards like

Code:tapiture.com - brings crazy traffic (just like the old pinterest) but only softcore images (babes in bikini, no porn) sex.com smutty.com snatchly.com pornterest.net pinporn.com

Or go with reddit submits on big reddit boards in order to find subbredds with a lot of subcriber use


hint for reddit newbies: #gonewild is for user submissions of there own photos so don't use this for submissions

Step 7

Try to build more Tumblr Blogs let's say 5 blogs in different niches and keep the queue up and running, like and follow in order to build a huge follower base and make some good money. Since you only need to download new images after everything is up and running its an easy method for some good extra cash.

Step 8 (said in a following post so I added it quick)

Get a own domain at namecheap.com for 10$ a year and forward the dns to your tumblr blog, get a better unique Tumblr theme to stand out from the crowd and optmize it for SEO with this guide http://scripts-cms.blogspot.com/2014/10/tumblr-seo-guide.html - add as description on my queue bot a spintax which describes most of your images (example if your nice is sexy selfshot try to use a spintax {hot|sexy|stunning} {babe|girl}) your will get readable URLS and better seo and some extra traffic from the google image search. Tumblr offers a RSS at "your-tumblr-blog.tumblr.com/rss" try to submit it to adult rss directory's and a sitemape at "your-tumblr-blog.tumblr.com/sitemap1.xml" at the sitemap to google webmaster tools for better indexing. Track with anayltics your blog to see which tags perform the best and referring the most traffic and use the best tags more on your posts.


Now get out and act !

Ps.:Sometimes Tumblr randomly bans your account (if you don't like or follow very aggressively it is uncommon) even if you do nothing "evil" if this happens just write the support an email what went wrong and they mostly reactivate your account.

PPS.: I will try to update this thread with more traffic source and tips as soon as I got more time kinda in a hurry at the moment - stay tuned my friends

Tumblr SEO Guide

Tumblr SEO Guide
Tumblr Seo Optimization

 This Tumblr SEO guide aims to help your Tumblr blog rank better on search engines, specially google since almost everyone uses it, all this without paying to get visitors. If this is the first time you hear the word SEO, click on the link to find out more.
Is Tumblr SEO friendly?. I’ve seen pages rank very well for keywords that were not included in the url, title or description, probably because they were receiving links from external sources that not only give them importance, but also indicated what the page was all about.  In the end is all about how much information you provide the Search Engine on a particular site, page or post. I will update this Tumblr SEO guide to keep it up-to-date, since Tumblr may decide that the following changes could be made from the customize control panel in the near future.

Tumblr SEO Guide

  1. When writing a post, don’t forget to:
    • Set a custom post URL. Write a brief phrase chain of words, connected by dashes.  Example /post/136456/my-example-post.  Try to get rid of words like the, and, or and keep the useful keywords that identify your specific post.
    • Write the title including the main keyword/s that identify your article.
  2. When adding images, photos and pictures, always include a description in your tumblr pop up window.
  3. When adding a link in your post, always include a description that is related to both your content and the content you are pointing to.
  4. <title> tag change. This way the title for your post shows up on this tag
  5. Go to Customize > Theme > Enable Custom HTML and look for the <title> tag , that ends with </title>.  It should look like this <title>{Title}{block:PostTitle} &bull; {PostTitle}{/block:PostTitle}</title>
  6. <meta name=”description” content=”Example”>Meta Tag. Make this change to give the search engine a brief but focused idea what the page is all about.
  7. Look for the meta tag description (always within your theme’s html).  It must look like this <meta name=”description” content=”{MetaDescription}” /> .  If it’s not there, you must include this line of code always before the </head> tag, always making sure not to mix it with anything else.  I’ve read some articles that tell you to include the custom tumblr tag {block:PostSummary}, this tag throws an error on the header, so dont use it.
  8. <meta name=”keywords” content=”Keyword1, Keyword2, etc”>.  I don’t think this tag will make a difference since it’s no longer consired of much importance by google.
  9. Look for the meta tag, and change it to this <meta name=”keywords” content=”{block:Permalink}{block:Posts}{block:Tags}{Tag}, {/block:Tags}{/block:Posts}{/block:Permalink}” />. If it is not included in your Tumblr theme, then paste it below the meta description tag
  10. Create and submit a sitemap.xml file to google webmaster tools. This is to make clear to the search engine where each piece of your website is located within the structure.
  11. The sitemap file is supposed to be already included in your Tumblr.  It is located here yourtumblr.tumblr.com/sitemap.xml or yourtumblr.tumblr.com/sitemap1.xml.  You need to visit these pages to find out which is the right one.  Sign up to google webmaster tools and add your sitemap there (after adding your site).
  12. Set up your custom domain name.  This could make your url a bit more relevant as long as it has keywords in it.
All these changes will sure help your Tumblr SEO improve, but having your own domain and website hosted is the way to go if you need better results.  Remember that your tumblr is just one subdomain amongts millions of others within tumblr.com. Leave your comments if you think there is something else that can be done to improve your Tumblr SEO.

Traffup.net Bot ★ Tons of Human Visitors ★ Tons of Free Traffic, Twitter Follower

Hi everyone, 
i decided to share one of my recent traffic generation bots which i use almost daily to drive real human traffic to my

website for free! This bot will bring you tons of human visitors to your website at no cost. It is a bot for traffup.net.

What is traffup.net?

Traffup.net is traffic exchange system where you earn points for visiting other peoples websites and where you give away

points to other people if they visit your website.
In a nutshell: You get visitors to your website as long as you have enough points. You earn these points by visiting other

What does the bot do?
This useful bot does the whole job for you. It visits other websites automatically so that you generate a shit load of

points automatically. These points will then be used to send other people to your website. So as long as you run the bot

you will never run out of traffic!!!
You can also use your points to get twitter followers or retweets instead of website traffic.

How to use the Bot:

1.) Download the Bot here: Traffup.net Bot

2.) Extract the .rar archive (use as password: 1337)
3.) Start the Bot (if you use uBot for the first time it’ll download the necessary files at the beginning)
4.) Go to Traffup.net and sign up for an account – write down your login details.
5.) Bot Setup:

Step 1

First go to Tools -> Captcha Service, choose your favorite Captcha Service and enter your user informations. You will need

a Captcha service to use the bot!

Why do I need to setup a captcha service?

The bot visits websites automatically to gain points within the traffup.net system but some websites redirect you away

from traffup.net when you visit them. The bot detects that and goes back to the traffup.net login page after the visit to

re-login to the system. And you need a captcha to re-login!

Step 2

Enter your Traffup.net login details in the Bot interface:
Username = Email (See the picture below)

(Visited: you see how many websites you already visited!)

6.)Start the Bot by clicking on Run

The Bot will now start to visit websites from the Traffup.net system. You will get points for these websites visits and as

long as you have enough points you will get visitors to your website!
The Bot will do everything for you! Sometimes it’s possible that it looks like it does nothing, but it’ll detect all

errors! If you will have any troubles or u have any recommendations please let me know by posting here at this thread! I’ll

fix them and also upgrade the Bot with some other features like the Twitter function within the next week!
Enjoy your traffic!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Free Twitter Follower Bot - TMB v2.5

Twitter follower bot
Free Twitter Follower Bot - TMB v2.5
Free Twitter Follower Bot - TMB v2.5 - Real Traffic in Real Time. Promote your website, product, service and/or social agenda.

Features :
 Able To Add Unlimited Twitter Accounts
 Proxy Support
 Extremely Fast Username Scraper & User ID Scraper
 Username And User ID Follower
 Follow Other User’s Followers
 Unfollow Users Who Don’t Follow You Back Feature
 Reply / @Mention Generator
 Tweet Poster
 Avatar Scraper
 Advanced Scraper And Manager (You can avoid spammy bots with this module)
 Tweet Scraper
 Bio (Biography) Scraper
 Mass Retweet
 Mass Favorite
 Too Fast Twitter Account Creator
 Disposable email support for account creator to confirm emails
DeathByCaptcha Auto Captcha Solving, Proxies, Fake Email Generator And Multi Threading Supported For Account Creator
 Mass Account Statistics Checker
Random Delay Feature For Some Modules
No Monthly Fees
Lifetime Update & Support
The Cheapest Twitter Marketing Software On The Market
Download Free Twitter Follower Bot - TMB v2.5

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Make your First Money Online - Guaranteed [Best Method Ever]

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make money online, earn cash online, get paid to click

I'm making this post for those that have tried to make some money but kept failing along the way because the methods simply do not seem to work for them.

You keep going from course to course trying to see a buck in your pay balance, and you keep getting dissapointed. For those that are making none or insignificant amounts, I'll help you get on a sure track to making your first money online. It actually is not about the $$, it's about mindset. When you start seeing that it IS possible, you'll be much easier on heading on to other successful ventures without the failure mental model.

Let me first say, I know you've heard a lot about popular methods like AdSense, CPA, Affiliate Marketing... They are very cute, don't get me wrong, but forget them. I won't comment AdSense and my personal thoughts about why it should NEVER be used. The CPA is great, but if you're just starting out, only getting accepted by a reputated CPA network can be a very frustrating and dissapointing experience. Affiliate marketing made millionares, but for a newbie it usually seems easier to become president than get that first sale.

We'll be making the first money on Fiverr. There is nothing better and simpler for an unexperienced starter to get his first income then by direct sale and interaction with fellow users, without interference of complicated Google's policies, CPA Network's approval criterias and Affiliate Marketing learning curves.

And last note, to make this method work most effectively: don't question it, don't think about it, don't measure possibilities and chances for failure. Just do it.

Let's begin;

If you haven't already, join the Fiverr: http://fiverr.com/join

Go to Profile>Settings - Input your information. Make sure to fill ALL the fields, it DOES matter. If for any reasons you don't feel like sharing your personal information online, it's not a problem. Go to http://fakenamegenerator.com/ and generate a cute name for yourself and write it down in "Full Name" section.

Then, write a relavant and informative description of yourself and your service in description area. Make it sound meaningful. I can't tell you exactly what to write, as it vary on the subject of your service. For example, I like sprouting philosophical stuff around there, and people seem to like it. Go along the lines of:

"I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects." The philosophy of my life and work on Fiverr.

Haha, I like it. You are free to use it if you find appropriate.

Next, put your picture in the profile picture section. If, again, for any reasons (shyness or anything) you don't want to share your picture online, go to LinkedIn, download a profile picture from any of the experts and post it as your own. For example, you search:


Among the results, you pick the picture of thy best lookin' one. If you didn't know: “Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury.”– Martha Beck

Competition is hursh these days and we need to pay attention to every single detail that can lead us to success.

If downloading someone elses picture and posting as your own seems unethical, let me assure you: it is. There are two solutions. Get over your shyness and post your own, or just learn to deal with the fact that this is a cruel world and a bit of unethical actions that benefit you and harm no one are allowed.

Now that we have a PROFESSIONAL profile, we're ready to get started with sellin'.

First tip MANY people neglect. The time of creation of your gig. The new gigs automatically get their exposure: in "recent" fiverr category, in search results, in category listings. So, since your Gig is going to be #1 in "recent" category when it's posted, better post it when there are 10000 people browsing it then 2000, right? That's when right timing comes into play. Worst time to post: Saturday and Sunday night. Best time: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoon. Proved fact.

With good and capturing title, picture and beginning of the description (we'll cover it all), you could get 4-5 sales within minutes of your gig posting. I did a few times, it simply works.

Now when we got the timing right, let's get to actual Gig creation. As you know, you can post ANYTHING on Fiverr, but there are Gigs that sell well, the ones that sell moderate and ones that wil generate you a couple of sales a month no matter how good you are.

Many people ask me to tell them exactly whether a gig would sell or not. I cannot do this, but I can give you a list of gigs that are known to sell well universally, and I can assure you they do from personal experience. These are the ones anyone can do, disregarding of expertise.

- Write 500 words article
- Make a video testimonial
- Do a skydiving video promoting your message (my personal favourite, download any skydiving video from YouTube and record the message with your mich, then integrate the audio file with software like "Audacity")
- write 10 page ebook report (this one will usually get multiply orders, asking you to write reports on SMM, SEO, or similar. Just go to ebookee.com, download some ebook with the same subject from there, copy it's content, tweak it a bit for report, and send it to the buyer.)
- manually post 20 blog comments

These are just some of the possibilities that have always worked for me in my beginning days.

Now, onto the creation process.

The title - awaken the copywriter within yourself. Give them what they want to hear. Don't be too narrow, make an informative, relevant title. Let me show you by example, for 500 words article writing service, you'd want to create something like this:

"I will professionally write unique, top quality SEO 500 words article for your website or blog"

Make sure to include relevant keywords in your title. Hype it up, Fiverr buyers seem to like it. Use adjectives like "Efficient, amazing, mind blowing, incredible, professional, world class quality" and similar.

Then comes the description. You really don't have to bother writing one, it would take a LOT of time and effort. We'll use a trick again. A fun thing about Fiverr is that it doesn't relate content uniqueness in their gig ranking process. So, if you are, again for example offering article service, google "Article Writing Service", go to the one of top websites, copy their presentation, tweak it to your gig needs and there you go! You have a high quality gig description that's usually over 700 words long. Again, make sure to include keywords you want to rank for in it.

Now for the tags part. There are few options really. If you are proficient with it, you can use keyword research like you would when you want to rank in SERPs and use the keywords generated as tags. Other way is to simply go to some seller offering the same service successfully and simply copy their tags. It will work out just fine, don't worry too much about it, just make sure they are relevant.

Alright, when we have created our gig, to make sure it stands out, we HAVE to add a video. Now don't start worrying, I'm no visual effects professional either. We'll do a special technique of "borrowing" a video. You're gonna love it. Go to YouTube and find a promotional video related to niche of your service. Again, as an example, article writing service, type "Article Writing Service" in YouTube search box, browse around a bit, and bam, you found a few:


They're not much, but their purpose is to boost your gig ranking, not impress the potential buyer with Hollywood quality filming. Now, download free video editor. This one:


Edit the videos you download in it and remove the beginning or ending parts where the information about service provider are. Now, you can upload it to Fiverr, but if you are a real enthusiast, you can download Video Spin (http://videospin.en.softonic.com/ , it's free), and edit the edited video again by adding your credentials on the end, and famous "Exclusively on Fiverr.com" sentence. They love it. The whole process will not take more then 5 minutes and you'll have a decent, relevant video, ready to boost your ranking and sales.

Sticking to these tips, I have created gigs over and over again that have generated me 4-5 orders per day. That's around $20. Make 20 of them. Ten if you are lazy. I guarantee that if you follow the tips and PUT THEM TO ACTION they can't fail to generate you at least $40 per day. Now beside making a nice beginning capital for further projects and your Internet Marketing ventures and development, it is mostly a great motivation and gives a started a sense of accomplishment.

I enjoy helping you succeed, so, if some of you implement these techniques and they don't work, you can shoot me a message, and I'll show you what you did wrong, so you can tweak it and generate your first online income. I know how excited I was when I first did it.

Long Tail Pro Platinum 2.4.21

Long Tail Pro Platinum 2.4.21

Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword research software. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate
hundreds or thousands of unique “Long Tail” keywords in a matter of
minutes based on 1 single root keyword or multiple root keywords at
once. The need for Long Tail Pro was born out of the experience of
spending countless hours searching for low competition keywords. Long
Tail Pro allows you to generate much more than 800 keywords using the…

Download Long Tail Pro Platinum 2.4.21 

[ METHOD ] Make $600/Day With This Secret Traffic Source Using PPD !

Please download picture above to zoom and read well  + Download Amazing Hd Movies Landing Page for high CPR

Download Hd Movie Landing Page PPD Method

Clash Of Clans Amazing Landing Page - Free

Clash Of Clans Amazing Landing Page - Free
Free Clash Of Clans Amazing Landing Page

Found a Great Landing Page over net and sharing here for you guys. this is the Landing page which converts very well for me too.
You can use it for same niche or can edit it for next niches.
Get high conversions with clash of clans landing page.

Download Clash Of Clans Amazing Landing Page - Free

Saturday, October 11, 2014

CodeCanyon - Subscribe to Download v1.1.2 for WordPress

Subscribe to Download for WordPress makes it super easy to add a cool freebie download system to your site, just like the popular resource site PremiumPixels and the new freebie section on tyler.tc. Subscribe to Download not only handles all of the emails and verification, it also has a list manager that can be exported with one click to any popular mail service.

CodeCanyon - Subscribe to Download v1.1.2 for WordPress

Viral Media Portal

Viral Media Portal

Viral Media Portal is advanced yet easy to setup and use php script that lets you create media publishing website like videos, pictures, gifs. It lets you embed videos from vine,facebook, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion and metacafe. Support picture watermark and video and gif thumbnails watermark, Fully automated thumbnail generation and advanced admin panel to almost control every aspect of the script. You can edit and create as many pages as you want from admin panel enable or disable guest submission, Generate Sitemaps, Enable RSS Feeds Disable specific portions, Ad Management, Social Media settings and lot more. Awesome features.


  • Embed videos from vine, facebook, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion and metacafe
  • Custom Pages Creation from admin panel
  • Guest Submission Videos, Pictures, Gifs
  • Thumbnails Generation
  • Keyboard Keys Navigation
  • Watermark Images
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • Ads Management
  • Pagination, Searching, Sorting
  • Social Media Ready
  • Unicode Support
  • Sitemaps, RSS Feeds, Tags
  • Powerful Admin Panel


  • Operating System : Linux
  • Web Server : Apache
  • PHP Version: 5.0 or Higher
  • PHP allow_url_fopen ON
  • PHP GD Library
  • PHP Multibyte String
  • PHP FreeType library
  • PHP CURL Enabled
  • MySql: 5.0 or Higher



Admin Demo – (Features Disabled)

Username : admin
Password : admin
Download Viral Media Portal